Most people think of sunglasses as summer gear, but in some ways it’s even more important to wear sunglasses in certain winter conditions than in the warm summer months. Thanks to public awareness campaigns about the risks of skin cancer, more people are aware that UV rays and intense sunlight are bad for our skin.…
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About: innexus
Recent Posts by innexus
Corrective Eye Surgery Basics
Corrective eye surgery can address a number of eye problems. Most people have heard of laser eye surgery to eliminate the need for prescription glasses. As the procedure has gotten easier and less expensive, more people are opting for things like LASIK and telling their friends about the results. LASIK LASIK is the most popular…
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Using Oils to Relieve Dry Eye
Many medical professionals are aware of the benefits of adding healthy oils to our diets. Most of the fats that are essential for a healthy heart, skin, brain, and other systems come from things like fish, nuts, seeds, and vegetables. Doctors will sometimes prescribe fish oil or flaxseed oil to help improve someone’s health, but…
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How to Clean Your Eyeglasses
If eye care professionals cringe when they see you clean your glasses, and your lenses don’t last long before they are scratched, then it’s probably time to update your eyeglass cleaning habits! To make sure your lenses stay clear and crisp as long as possible, follow these lens cleaning instructions. 1. First, wash your hands…
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